Friday 25 January 2013

English, Math & Babies

Thurs. Jan 24 2012
Today I went to the school to see my way around. So much stuff that it is so overwhelming but also exciting. The kids are very good, I adore the little ones. I am going to be teaching the older grades reading and writing in the morning (9-13)  then the primary age math after that (6-8) and then finishing my day with little ones in the nursery (3-6). It will be interesting because 11-13 year olds are not usually my favourite but the classes are all so quiet and well behaved - very strange. Then I have to teach math which everyone knows Im not very good at XD But its nothing more than addition and multiplication. The school is interesting because it’s a private school it is really very nice, and the class sizes are very small for a Kenyan school but even so they do not have access to a lot of supplies public schools do in Canada, for example their work books are bound in newspaper instead of fancy journals, and there isn’t much In the way of craft supplies and other things I am used to. In Canada we learn so much integration of technology and fancy supplies but here it's all about using and reusing what you got. The principal of the school has "good job" stickers but they are in polish XD They call me "teacher sophie" or "madam." Having so many different classes and kids is hard because learning individuals an where they are at is a challenge, the first thing I will have them do is make name tags! In the nursery there were few toys and books, even the actual physical size of the classroom is very small.  I will do what I can, I have big shoes to fill! 

1 comment:

  1. I am loving reading your blog it sounds as thoug you are settling in and i can imagine each part you are describing, take care of yourself especially with the heat. Love momxxx
