Monday 14 January 2013

The Intro (ah English Major Brain)

Oh Hi

I'm learning to use this google blogger thing, so be patient with me as I learn to make fancy fonts and cool colours!

So the purpose of this blog begins to offer little updates and important (to me haha) thoughts as I visit Kenya for the next 96 days in order to help teach at a school! If I don't have time to respond to emails all the time this will be a place that people can see I am doing well and having adventures and of course missing everyone back home.

So my internship is 96 days, as I said. And I'll be staying in Eldoret with 3 others girls who are students at Nipissing university and together we will be learning about the different areas of education (me), Nursing (Sarah and Erica) and Geography (Jenn). We are staying in a housing unit run by the university and though we are not entirely sure what it is like yet it sounds very functional and secure (so those who ask me, do you have internet and electricity the answer is yes!:P)

I know that some people know the elections are coming up soon in Kenya, and that last time there was violence around these elections and as such are worried about our safety while away. For this reason we are leaving Kenya for a few weeks around the elections to Uganda, though the details of this still have to be figured out. We are just going to have to deal with what happens the best that we can.

I'm probably going to update his blog soon with more info but since I am me I have a thousand things still to do and have not started packing so I must rush off.


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