Sunday 20 January 2013

Corn Flakes and Stories

Another crazy day, so much I want to get down because I don’t want to forget anything so the form and the grammar will be bad, but too bad!
Today we;
-       Met the Geography Professor Odepo,
-       Talked about teaching in a rural school for a week or two in Jowi’s home village (so cool)
-       Met a gender prof. talked about possible projects together (so cool)
-       Saw another possible compound for living in
-       Hired Grace 
-       Had pizza
We have been visiting and meeting at the golf clubs and country houses I would never be part of in Canada are all a place we are supposed to feel natural here, everything is cheaper and more assessable. It’s strange feeling of privilege, even with people waiting on us and serving us which we are so not used to but it is so strange because they are offended if you did not want them to. For example in the morning our chef pours my coffee. Today he was trying to make us breakfast and we had bought corn flakes but he didn't know what they were so he served them on a plate dry, it was so funny.

We hired a girl Grace who took care of the girls last year which is so great and exciting. 

Jowi told us a great story today as we were rushing around that I want to share. 
A Kenyan man was sitting by a river when a Westerners said to him why are you just lying here you should be fishing and the Kenyan asked why, the Westerner says "so you can catch fish" and the Kenyan asks why. "So you can sell them and make money" is the response, and again the Kenyan man inquires why." So that you can buy a better boat and catch more fish and employ others in the community". but why asks the Kenyan man, and the Westerner replies "so you can relax and be happy without worries." The Kenyan says "but I am doing that right now".
Jowi says that Kenyans can relax where westerners always need to be going somewhere, but where is it that we want to go?
He is a wise man.
There is so much here, so much I had never understood, and so much I never could have known.
And it is only just beginning,
No matter what I am so glad I’m here.

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