Wednesday 13 February 2013

Not the Most Exciting Blog

I've been writing blogs but not posting, because the internet has been very unpredictable .So bare with me while these all get posted not on the day they were written!

Feb 8 2013
Just quickly, because I really have no time for journals but they are so important to me while I am here.School is crazy I got home at 5 today and then I have school marking to do, and then I have to plan the next days lessons and then it is 9 pm and I haven’t planned lessons or even looked at my own school books, then tomorrow I wake up at 6 and do it again. The problem is I really don't like teaching without a plan so I don’t let that fall behind and really my school work is really going to suffer. It is hard and I’m trying to adapt because the fact is I bring my work home with me. Also my teaching time counts as nothing towards my degree, although the experience is fantastic there is no credit even towards my practicum so school is very confusing to me right now. Additionally I don’t think the other teachers realize quite what a university school load is like, whenever I leave right after school they ask "are you leaving already?". I am incredibly behind right now. The girls and I tried to catch up on homework on the weekend, and we explored downtown a bit more (checked out the mall:P). We went out on Sat. night with some Dutch students (medical) who we will be staying with in Uganda, who are lovely. It was a lot more fun than I expected, although the men were intense “I want to marry you ,I love you, be my wife” but you just have to be firm, no gentle let downs, once you straight up say no a couple of times they are okay. We also went to a church on Sunday which was really neat, so much singing and dancing I liked the spirit.  Gotta go work more :(. Bye!


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