Mon Feb 11
Wow has it really been a week since I journaled. Time is
flying! I was counting the weeks I had
left today and it was freaking me out. 9 weeks left doing placement stuff and
only 7 of those are in El View school. How am I supposed to teach all I want to
in those weeks? (Except in math I can be done with that). Math is torture Its
boring to do and boring to teach. And I have to do it every day. Any teachers
reading this, HELP ME:P I want to get some good goals in place, if I can get a
good library system of borrowing and returning going that would be great. That
requires getting someone to fix up the computer program so I can actually
search for books to speed up the process, also arranging times and
transportation with the teachers. I am willing to help as much as possible and
I think the school will benefit so much from a good library system. I really thin kI am learning 10x as much as I am teaching here, I am learnign to be patient and flexible. I am learning the challange of not being fully understood when I speak, or fully understanding others. Even the way of life is so different then meanings get crossed and implications are different, so interesting really.
This weekend was amazingly fantastic, in the Kakamega rain forest. It has been my dream to visit a rainforest, and we got to see the only one in Kenya! And go for a 5 am 15 k hike to see the sunrise. Didn't feel real. We also stayed in a treehouse and I fell asleep to rainforest sounds that people pay money to have on C.Ds. I would live there I really
have to learn how to attach photos to my blog though when I do I have to wait
hours for them to upload. 5:30 how did you get here? Ah. Ill have to battle
with uploading these blogs later.
Sorry this blog is so incomplete!
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