Tuesday 19 February 2013

Mountain Villages and Thank you

Feb 19 2013

Let's try and recap. (I can't believe how poorly structured my blogs are, and for someone who wants to be an author, shame on me!). I have been too busy/too darn tired to even journal to remember everything. On the weekend we went to visit the mountain village of our security guard, Risper. Risper is a wonderfully strong and kind woman she works to send money to her son as she is no longer with his father. I learn a lot from her and she really likes helping us with classes or research ideas which is so nice. The mountain village was absolutely incredibly fantastically beautiful. I am obsessed with mountains. The people in the village all told us to come back next time we are in Kenya, I would come back and stay! The families all live quite communally, taking care of everyones children and babies and animals are everywhere. I was holding one of the babies and they were just staring at me in awe (what is wrong with this persons skin and hair) as white people are not visitors they get often so remotely located. So adorable! We met Risper's aunt who is a healer, meaning she takes care of health using roots and plants and other things. She is also hugely involved in midwifery which is really neat as you can imagine how hard it would be to get to a doctor and a big hospital from way out there. It was a wonderful visit although way too short as travel took so long and I at least still get nervous travelling at night and try to avoid it.

I have really been missing my friends, family. I love teaching at the school, love love love it but everything being so different is such a challenge. People always think I know whats going on but I have no idea and so I just try to fake my way through. Finding out what I'm doing wrong is near impossible as no one ever tells me! That is probably the hardest part, people not realizing how lost I am. and expecting me to have answers when I don't understand or don't know in the first place. Going from being a student and on placement with a constant assistant teacher to literally teaching full time is a crazy adjustment never mind in a completely different environmentXD I am really lucky I have lots of experience with kids and am confident (or able to pretend to be) in what I'm doing. Math is a constant challenge because my struggles with it make it 1000 times more difficult to teach. Anyway, what I really wanted to say is how much I appreciate everyone's support. I constantly think about the encouraging messages and tweets I've gotten from people that seriously change my life because I could not be so strong or so happy without you. Every morning before I step into the school I thank the world for my blessings, think of people's wishes for me, and take a deep breath. I am rewarded for my struggles everyday by hugs from students or smiles over library books. Often when I am away thinking of home makes me more homesick but being somewhere that I know people are glad I am, and rooting for my success, makes everything easier.

So if your one of those people. Thank you so much. And if you wanna be, then send me an email ;) I'll email you back!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Books and Blessings

Feb 13 2012

I want to  blog about something serious. So if you read this and sense an unusual amount of solemnity, and perhaps find it unsettling, then go back and read about moose and bananas k? 
First the library I've been helping to set up, getting the students to start taking out books is really something. The kids are so so excited to get a chance to borrow books (like screaming with excitement) and it really opens my eyes to what I have been so fortunate to have. My ability to be a great reader really led me to other places, and gave me success in other areas. It might have even helped to lead me here now. No matter what I have always had the opportunity to escape in a story. Some of these students want the same, but without access to books what can they do? A book is an extra luxry rarely chosen over other necessities. I am so grateful that the school is able to provide some books for these kids. They are all very lucky that they have this available in their school, as so many others do not. I wish I could have brought all my books with me (why do they have to be so heavy!) as the older kids have way less story books and I would put every book I've saved on my shelf in the library for them if I could. I really wish there was a way I could get more to them. Books are so important and they can lead you so many places and open doors you haven't even thought of. Especially in a curriculum that trains really intelligent students, but trains them towards passing exams, not to creativity or independent ideas. And at times these kids need that more than anything. I think it's going to be a great thing to encourage reading and other outlets at the school.

Additionally, Today waiting for the bus to the library the kids were telling me about the elections. They are old enough to remember last time and the danger that occurred. But young enough that they don't know another life and it's just a fact that danger occurs around them. "People will fight", one of them told me, "and burn my house down". Another child insisted "no, my dad says no one will fight this time". I literally had to hold back the tears. I knew I would worry about the children, and that I am always going to be affected but like everything else it is not quite what you expect. I have only known then a short while but any teacher/parent knows the worry for a child. My students always ask me "teacher do you have any children?" and I say "No just my students." I trust in good and that there will be peace around the elections, and that they will stay safe from any danger they face and be able to have a great future though it may be challenging
Everyday new things amaze me about this place. I’ve always been hesitant about “missions” trips, because I hear so much negative stuff about the money you spend on a trip, when it could go straight to those who need help. That’s why I felt good accepting a position that was sponsored, therefore not using money that could/would be directly beenefitial. However, let me tell you, it can’t. Simple money does a fraction of what opening your eyes does. My life has changed, and though it may have always been heading in that direction so many things are more real now. And people are grateful for support. By loving their country, and by supporting people as people and not as projects to be donated to you change their beliefs too (though donations are great don’t get me wrong, and I know it’s not easy to make such a trip!). Its just that I see now the importance of human connection. So please know, that there are children here, who treasure a secondhand book like it’s the newest Ipad. Who are afraid of the future, but cling to the reassurance of parents who want so desperately to protect them. And they are not the worst off. Keep them in your heart, and do whatever it is that you can, be it donations or support or prayers. Keep my babies safe. Let them be all I know they can be. Love them with me.


Challenges and Achievements

Mon Feb 11
Wow has it really been a week since I journaled. Time is flying!  I was counting the weeks I had left today and it was freaking me out. 9 weeks left doing placement stuff and only 7 of those are in El View school. How am I supposed to teach all I want to in those weeks? (Except in math I can be done with that). Math is torture Its boring to do and boring to teach. And I have to do it every day. Any teachers reading this, HELP ME:P I want to get some good goals in place, if I can get a good library system of borrowing and returning going that would be great. That requires getting someone to fix up the computer program so I can actually search for books to speed up the process, also arranging times and transportation with the teachers. I am willing to help as much as possible and I think the school will benefit so much from a good library system. I really thin kI am learning 10x as much as I am teaching here, I am learnign to be patient and flexible. I am learning the challange of not being fully understood when I speak, or fully understanding others. Even the way of life is so different then meanings get crossed and implications are different, so interesting really.
This weekend was amazingly fantastic, in the Kakamega rain forest. It has been my dream to visit a rainforest, and we got to see the only one in Kenya! And go for a 5 am 15 k hike to see the sunrise. Didn't feel real. We also stayed in a treehouse and I fell asleep to rainforest sounds that people pay money to have on C.Ds. I would live there I really have to learn how to attach photos to my blog though when I do I have to wait hours for them to upload. 5:30 how did you get here? Ah. Ill have to battle with uploading these blogs later.

Sorry this blog is so incomplete!

Not the Most Exciting Blog

I've been writing blogs but not posting, because the internet has been very unpredictable .So bare with me while these all get posted not on the day they were written!

Feb 8 2013
Just quickly, because I really have no time for journals but they are so important to me while I am here.School is crazy I got home at 5 today and then I have school marking to do, and then I have to plan the next days lessons and then it is 9 pm and I haven’t planned lessons or even looked at my own school books, then tomorrow I wake up at 6 and do it again. The problem is I really don't like teaching without a plan so I don’t let that fall behind and really my school work is really going to suffer. It is hard and I’m trying to adapt because the fact is I bring my work home with me. Also my teaching time counts as nothing towards my degree, although the experience is fantastic there is no credit even towards my practicum so school is very confusing to me right now. Additionally I don’t think the other teachers realize quite what a university school load is like, whenever I leave right after school they ask "are you leaving already?". I am incredibly behind right now. The girls and I tried to catch up on homework on the weekend, and we explored downtown a bit more (checked out the mall:P). We went out on Sat. night with some Dutch students (medical) who we will be staying with in Uganda, who are lovely. It was a lot more fun than I expected, although the men were intense “I want to marry you ,I love you, be my wife” but you just have to be firm, no gentle let downs, once you straight up say no a couple of times they are okay. We also went to a church on Sunday which was really neat, so much singing and dancing I liked the spirit.  Gotta go work more :(. Bye!


Friday 1 February 2013

Bananas and Moose

Feb 1 2012
Today I did a lot of homework (or tried to) and napped. What an exciting Friday night:P I had to come home early from school because I am feeling not so great. It sucked coming home early today but Im really glad I did. 
School has been very different here, I am trying to figure stuff out and learning that being flexible is even more important than in a classroom in Canada, requiring me to be much more relaxed than my usual self:P. Today for example I taught a full lesson and had 2 more I was meant to teach but then a bunch of students to go swimming. So I combined the class 6 and 7s and taught an impromptu lesson. Also a child in the special needs unit was upset because she had hurt her elbow and ran through my classroom upset, she was scared when I tried to help her and I felt so bad because she is non verbal. I also taught "P.P.I" for the first period with the whole upper school and was just to sing with them. So I basically lead Camp opening circle (Thank you camp songs). So I was singing about Moose and Bananas and all kinds of goofy stuff which the kids loved but when I asked them to show me what they usually do all their songs were religious and apparently they usually read the bible during "P.P.I" so I think I shook things up a little:P Oops, learning. 
The students are adorible though I absolutly can't express enough, they are so sweet and so eager to learn. When I first got to school the classes I had taught a song to yesterday started singing it as I walked by I was so impressed they remembered the words! We also played the game called one-word story which they really enjoyed and helps with creativity and formation of story structure. I have learned that the students formal writing (like writing me a letter) is a lot better then their creative writing which I don't think they have much experience in. They tend to retell stories or change a few names and places in stories they usually know. I think I'm going to focus on trying to develop that, as well as really encouraging reading. If I can get thm to realize the importance of creative expression and maybe find a few who really enjoy it that would be great. On a side note I really wish it would stop raining! (I know at least it's not freezing rain) But in Kenya it doesn't usually rain until April! I hope the rainy season hasn't come early like Mr. Duke has suggested! XD

Zebra, Giraffe and Monkey Friends (and Buffalo enemies)

Tues. Jan. 29th
Ah I really need to blog! Slacker. SO I went on a Safari. Whatever no big deal JUST THE BEST THING OF MY WHOLE LIFE EVER.
 I love Kenya, it’s beautiful. And I saw Giraffes, I love giraffes. We also saw crocodiles and Hippos (while we were in a boat XD). And monkeys and ostriches and camels and all kinds of deer and birds. Hyenas who look evil (or maybe the lion king has influenced that a  little). Also terrifying Buffalo, Who knew that Buffalo were so terrifying? They were all “your on my turf” and we were like ahhh slowly inch away. I had so much fun with the girls, which I really think I need to take a moment to talk about because they are so incredible and I seriously think we must have all been brought here together for a reason because there is no way I can imagine it differently. Today we also received another blessing in the form of Grace who has been able to get away and come to our home to cook and take care of us, although we are grown adults being in a new place is so overwhelming that we are kind of a mess. 
School so far is interesting, exhausting, challenging. The kids have made it worth it and its only the second day. The nursery is hilarious because they chatter away to me in Swahili and I don’t think they understand why I don’t reply XD They are so cute although very rambunctious. I tried to introduce ball toss games outside but lost the ball twice over two different fences XD Oh well. I got my class (grade) 6  class to write me a letter to tell me things they thought I should know about them and Eldoret and the school and it warmed my heart that they all were so welcoming and loving. The Kenyan people are very friendly for the most part. Today I got caught in a thunderstorm and took shelter under a little shop roof and before I knew it was welcomed inside and the shop tender emptied a pop crate to turn it over and give me a seat to wait out the storm. Kindness really makes the world a better place.