Sunday 4 October 2015

The begin of bus journeys

It’s been a really long time since I’ve had a good blog about Africa. I wrote about Ahero but it kind of fizzled out a little. The girls and I decided to go to Mombasa for Easter weekend which was a 12 hour bus ride to be at the Indian ocean for 4 days, then a 12 hr ride back getting in at 5 am and going to work at 6. It was deffinitly worth it. We went snorkeling in the ocean, which I wasn’t sure if id be nervous for but I loved it it was fascinating. We walked along a coral, swam through tons of fish and over a starfish garden! Huge starfish and so many pretty colours. We then spent easter on the beach until evening when we went to a fancy seafood restaurant on the coast. So gourgous. Then it was back to school again for exam week (these kids write exams like crazy) which meant I was in the library a lot. Still so many chalanges there but I’m getting through it. Jenn has kindly used some of her donation money to by the older kids some books as there reading level is above the books we have, I also bought a few especially for the girls. My relationship with my students is growing and Im devastated to think of leaving them. I have an exam Monday, Tuesday is a holiday for the swearing in of the president, and then Friday is closing day. That gives me essentially 2 days. I’m going to bawl. The grade 8’s, instead of standing and greating me with “hello teacher how are you” now say respond with “Whats up” to my “yo” (although they still stand up haha!). We’ve ended our English lessons, I hope they have done some good in expanding their mind. Now creative arts will continue. I asked them to tell me some songs they want to hear during creative arts. They had a great time chosing a combination of gospel/Kiswahili and new music. Friday we celebrated our friend Grace’s birthday. What a beautiful strong woman I am beyong lucky to have met her and had her in my life. Some mornings she walks me to school and it makes my day the best ever. Yesterday she took me to her sons school because I have really wanted to see some kind of theatre or performance while I was here and never had time to make it happen so the school did a little showcase for me. How aborible is that! The kids have great voices, I say some traditional dance, some Christian songs and a dramatic reading by a really animated little girl. I really feel akward when a place goes so out of its way to make me the guest and sets up the kids just to respond and do things for me, so  I make sure I address everyone and the flaw-proof way to make children feel like you’re their friend is by being absolutely ridiculous and letting them laug hat you. Thank you camp songs! I love to change the words to some songs so they can easily follow along and always involve some kind of dancing its great that the kids get so involved in it here. Today I am going back to Elagerini the tented camp my friend works out. I want to visit again and possibly introduce some resources I think will be useful for them to be able to use there! Something about that place I really liked. And later I have dinner with a fellow teacher. Anyway lets not talk about how much homework I have to do oh dear.

Monday 19 January 2015

Sophie is Sorry

Hey! Look who found her old blog login. Well now I'm that I'm vaguely unemployed I feel like I have time to do this haha. Well obviously I suck and didn't even finish my Kenya blog off, so what I'm going to do (since I actually do have blog entries written just not up) is finish posting those entries from two years ago! Then I will make a switch to some Europe travel entries....which I do not have many of but I may be doing some look backs depending on what strikes me. Maybe it'll be goodand amusing! We will see....additionally I don't really like blogger and may finish this off because that only makes sense, then make a new blog on a different site. If anyone has recommendations let me know! <3